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What browsers are Drupal sites tested on in 2021?

Internet Explorer is still relevant to a minority of respondents. Unfortunately for DXPR, this number was three times higher in the separate survey that we sent to our clients. Internet Explorer was not only relevant to 60% of our clients... it was relevant to all our "Enterprise" clients which means we cannot drop IE in QA testing our Drupal Layout Builder, even in 2021. 

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Every Drupal developer heard stories of 'clients from hell' and collaborations that turned into nightmares. And, it’s true… you’re going to come across some extremely difficult clients. No matter you do, no matter how hard you work…you’re going to have problems with them. 

Remind yourself: “I am not alone!”

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We just launched a new free demo on that lets you test drive the DXPR Drupal experience. Thanks to our 60+ new demo pages you will be guided to explore the many exciting elements and features that are offered in our DXPR Builder and DXPR Builder Enterprise modules for Drupal 9.

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Drupal 8.8 is paving the way to the future

Drupal 9 is approaching fast. However, until Drupal 9 arrives, there is another major update that is coming soon. Drupal 8.8 was launched on the 4th of December. In this blog post, I am going to tell you what are the changes and quality of life improvements that you can expect from the next major Drupal update.

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Acquia acquires Mautic

Recently, Acquia has acquired Mautic, an open source marketing automation platform. With this acquisition, Acquia is planning on disrupting the market and its closed technology stack competitors in the automation market.

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NGOs and Drupal Digital Marketing

NGOs are noble companies that are aiming to make the world a better place. Without them, more children would be starving in Africa, more women would be disempowered and tigers would face extinction sooner.