Spring cleaning comes early this year with patch releases across the Sooperthemes platform. We've cleaned up our info files, putting all Sooperthemes projects in the same module/theme package. This creates a cleaner view in pages such as the Modules overview page, Features module admin page etc. We've also update project descriptions and put some more consistency in our metadata.
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The internet is continuously evolving and new web technologies emerge on a regular basis. Users expect more personalized experiences, greater connectivity among devices and interactive elements to guide their navigation on the web. In order to keep up-to-date, big organizations started looking into alternatives for the common practice of running websites on proprietary software which can prove to be costly to maintain in an ever-evolving market.
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Freelancing: a growing trend
It seems the trend nowadays is for workers to take the freelancing route. With 36% of the U.S. population currently being freelancers, it seems that this trend is slowly gaining traction. But what does this mean for businesses.
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The pricing page is one of the key pages in a website, therefore it is important to have a clear and professional design that communicates the product benefits and pricing tiers your business offers. In today’s article we are going to learn how to recreate the new Sooperthemes pricing page. The Sooperthemes pricing page has a clean design style that mainly consists of rows, columns and text. Throughout this article we are going to work with the following elements:
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How do customers choose a brand or company?
When we think of what influences a consumer on which brand to pick we usually think of advertising, right? Well, while advertising does have some impact in the customer decision making process, what matters more is the customer experience provided. Nowadays, in order for a company to be able to stay relevant in the field that it is activating, it has to be able to provide a seamless customer experience.
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As of today Sooperthemes provides the only proven enterprise-grade drag and drop Drupal builder, and framework theme. Examples proving this point are sites being rolled out by the United Nations, Google, and by the US Senate for all newly inaugurated senators!
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What is inbound marketing?
So what is inbound marketing exactly? Well, some professionals are calling it “new marketing”. This type of marketing is focusing on delivering value upfront to your potential customers. This way, your potential customers will have already benefited from your marketing efforts before having to contribute with something of value to them.