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What is inbound marketing?

So what is inbound marketing exactly? Well, some professionals are calling it “new marketing”. This type of marketing is focusing on delivering value upfront to your potential customers. This way, your potential customers will have already benefited from your marketing efforts before having to contribute with something of value to them.

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Article 13: Copyright re-invented

The European Union has not updated the copyright laws since 2001. Now they are aiming to change that and bring the copyright laws in line with the “digital era”. Most of these changes are uncontroversial, however, Article 13 will have a huge impact on the way that content is shared on the internet. What it basically means is that, hosting platforms will be responsible to make sure that the content that is uploaded is going to be in line with the copyright laws.

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We had this discussion 4 years ago. Why bring it up again now? Because several big CodeCanyon projects are coming to Drupal soon and I think it will have an impact. One of them is Slider Revolution. Slider Revolution is an "All-purpose Slide Displaying Solution that allows for showing almost any kind of content with highly customizable transitions, effects and custom animations". With nearly 60.000 sales at 18 USD it's the second most popular Wordpress plugin on codecanyon. The number of sites using this module is much greater because hundreds of premium Wordpress themes ship with the slider built into the theme. 

To refresh our memories here are some quotes from 2011:

the DrupalAppStore that killed drupal


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Yoast Drupal SEO Module: Tested and Reviewed

Yoast SEO is a household name in the WordPress community and as a premium drupal themes shop owner I was jealous of their favorite tool. Yoast SEO gained popularity because it didn't just make SEO finetuning possible in WP, it made it fun.  Important onpage SEO factors are pulled together in a container below the texteditor. Yoast SEO gives you feedback on basic metrics like keyword density and post length, but also more advanced feedback... It will tell you if you remembered to use your keywords in the meta description, and if the length of your page title is optimal for a nice click-through-rate in search results pages.

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Welcome to the fifth redesign of!

What's new at Sooperthemes

The fifth major update to is the biggest update ever. It's a completely new site, unlike the previous sites which were built on top of the original (2007!)!

The new site comes with a big shift in focus. With Drupal 7 sites becoming more complex, and the upcoming Drupal 8 introducing new power and flexibility, but also complexity, we work hard to offer tools, services and products that allow everyone to profit form Drupal's flexibility without having to suffer the steep learning curve (alone). In addition to selling Drupal themes with turn-key demo sites we now offer more services:

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It was very exciting for me to watch you all vote on the poll for the first free premium theme by The race was between HelloFolio and Touchpro and these 2 themes overtook eachother many times in the voting, until finally I had to close the poll on march 30th when TouchPro won with a difference of just one vote!

This means that TouchPro will be released on as a contrib theme, and the other 2 themes will go on sale on Follow development of TouchPro here:

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Just posting it here as a heads up, the next generation of themes will not support IE6. Time to say goodbye to this legacy browser. _goodbye: ie6;

In the future IE6 will get a simplified version of the website, or maybe even a print stylesheet.