Weight is a numerical value used to determine the order in which items are displayed in Drupal. It is used to control the order of items in lists, menus, and other areas of the Drupal interface. Weight is a relative value, meaning that it is relative to the weights of other items in the same list. For example, if one item has a weight of 5 and another item has a weight of 10, the item with the weight of 10 will be displayed first.

Weight is a useful tool for organizing content in Drupal. It can be used to control the order of items in menus, blocks, and other areas of the Drupal interface. It can also be used to control the order of items in views, which are used to display lists of content. Weight can be adjusted by editing the item in question and changing the weight value.

Weight is an important concept to understand when working with Drupal. It is a powerful tool for organizing content and controlling the order in which items are displayed. By understanding how weight works, users can easily control the order of items in menus, blocks, and other areas of the Drupal interface.