Views Global Filters are a feature of the Views module in Drupal CMS. They allow users to apply filters to all Views displays on a given site. This means that any changes made to the filter settings will be applied to all Views displays, regardless of the content type or display type. This makes it easier to manage content across multiple Views displays, as the same filter settings can be applied to all of them.

Views Global Filters are set up in the Views UI, and can be used to filter content by any field or combination of fields. For example, a user could set up a global filter to only show content from a certain content type, or to only show content from a certain date range. The filters can also be used to limit the number of results displayed, or to sort the results in a certain order.

Views Global Filters are a powerful tool for managing content across multiple Views displays. They allow users to quickly and easily apply the same filter settings to all Views displays, making it easier to manage content across multiple displays.