Views Exposed Filters are a feature of the Views module in Drupal CMS. They allow users to filter content on a page by providing a set of criteria. This criteria can be used to narrow down the content that is displayed on the page. For example, a user may want to filter a list of articles by author, date, or category.

Views Exposed Filters are created by adding a filter to a view. This filter can be configured to accept user input, such as a text field or a drop-down menu. The filter can then be exposed to the user, allowing them to select the criteria they wish to filter by. The view will then be updated to only display content that matches the criteria selected by the user.

Views Exposed Filters are a powerful tool for creating dynamic content on a page. They allow users to quickly and easily find the content they are looking for, without having to manually search through a large list of content. This makes it easier for users to find the content they need, and can help to improve the overall user experience.