Taxonomy is a Drupal feature that allows users to classify content into categories. It is a hierarchical system of organizing content into categories, subcategories, and sub-subcategories. Taxonomy is used to organize content into meaningful groups, making it easier to find and manage content. Taxonomy can be used to create categories for content such as blog posts, articles, products, and more.

In Drupal, taxonomy is managed through the Taxonomy Manager. This is a user interface that allows users to create, edit, and delete taxonomy terms. Taxonomy terms are the categories that content is organized into. Each term can have a parent term, which creates a hierarchical structure. For example, a term for “Dogs” could have a parent term of “Pets”.

Taxonomy terms can also be associated with content. This allows content to be organized into categories. For example, a blog post about a particular breed of dog could be associated with the “Dogs” taxonomy term. This makes it easier to find and manage content related to a particular topic.

Taxonomy is a powerful tool for organizing content in Drupal. It allows users to create meaningful categories for content, making it easier to find and manage content. Taxonomy is also a great way to create relationships between content, making it easier to find related content.