Site Information is a term used in Drupal CMS to refer to the basic information about a website. This includes the website's name, slogan, mission statement, and other details that are used to identify the website. Site Information is typically found in the administrative interface of a Drupal website, and is used to provide a brief description of the website and its purpose.

The Site Information page is typically found in the Configuration section of the administrative interface. This page allows the website administrator to enter the website's name, slogan, mission statement, and other details. The website's name and slogan are used to identify the website in the browser's title bar, and the mission statement is used to provide a brief description of the website's purpose.

The Site Information page also allows the website administrator to enter the website's default front page. This is the page that visitors will see when they first visit the website. The website administrator can also enter the website's default 404 page, which is the page that visitors will see when they try to access a page that does not exist.

The Site Information page also allows the website administrator to enter the website's contact information. This includes the website's email address, phone number, and physical address. This information is used to provide visitors with a way to contact the website's owner or administrator.

The Site Information page is an important part of the Drupal CMS, as it provides the basic information about a website. This information is used to identify the website and provide visitors with a way to contact the website's owner or administrator.