An Image Style is a feature in Drupal CMS that allows users to create and apply custom transformations to images. This includes resizing, cropping, rotating, and adding effects such as desaturation, sharpening, and blurring. Image Styles are used to create multiple versions of an image, each with a different set of transformations applied. This allows users to serve the most appropriate version of an image for a given context, such as a thumbnail or a full-size version.

Image Styles are created and managed in the Configuration section of the Drupal admin interface. When creating an Image Style, users can choose from a variety of transformations, such as scaling, cropping, and rotating. They can also add effects such as desaturation, sharpening, and blurring. Once an Image Style is created, it can be applied to any image uploaded to the Drupal site.

Image Styles are a powerful tool for optimizing images for the web. By creating multiple versions of an image, users can ensure that the most appropriate version is served for a given context. This can help reduce page load times and improve the user experience.