A Contextual Filter is a feature in the Drupal content management system (CMS) that allows users to filter content in a View based on contextual information. This information can include the current page, user, or other variables. Contextual Filters are used to create dynamic content that changes based on the context of the page or user.

In a View, a Contextual Filter is a type of filter that can be used to limit the content that is displayed. It works by taking contextual information from the page or user and using it to filter the content. For example, if a View is displaying a list of articles, a Contextual Filter can be used to limit the list to only articles that are related to the current page or user.

Contextual Filters are a powerful tool for creating dynamic content in Drupal. They can be used to create content that changes based on the context of the page or user. This can be used to create personalized content for each user or to create content that changes based on the page that is being viewed.

Contextual Filters are a powerful tool for creating dynamic content in Drupal. They can be used to create content that changes based on the context of the page or user. This can be used to create personalized content for each user or to create content that changes based on the page that is being viewed.