Cache is a system used to store data temporarily in order to improve the performance of a website. In the context of Drupal CMS, caching is used to store data such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images in order to reduce the amount of time it takes to load a page. This helps to improve the user experience by reducing page load times and improving the overall performance of the website.

Caching works by storing a copy of the data in a temporary location, such as a database or memory, and then serving that data to the user when they request it. This means that the data does not need to be retrieved from the source each time it is requested, which reduces the amount of time it takes to load the page. Caching can also be used to store data that is used frequently, such as menus or blocks, so that it does not need to be retrieved from the source each time it is requested.

In Drupal, caching is enabled by default and can be configured in the Performance settings page. This page allows users to configure the type of caching that is used, as well as the maximum age of the cached data. It is important to note that caching can have a negative impact on the performance of a website if it is not configured correctly, so it is important to ensure that the settings are appropriate for the website.

Overall, caching is an important part of Drupal CMS and can help to improve the performance of a website. By configuring the caching settings correctly, users can ensure that their website is running as efficiently as possible.