Set up your machine for local development and testing

This documentation will teach how to set up and install the required software tools in order to start using the DXPR products for development.

Setup of Linux

  1. Installing Docker, follow the steps in the official documentation here. Also, make sure you follow this link after installation to be able to run Docker commands without using sudo.
  2. Install the Docker Compose.

Setup on Mac

  1. Installing the Docker Desktop application for Mac will automatically install the Docker Engine and the docker-compose for you. Just follow the documentation here.
  2. Make sure the Experimental Features > Use Docker Compose V2 option in the Docker Desktop application is disabled.
  3. You need to have realpath command installed. If on your terminal the command which realpath returns empty, follow installation instructions here.

Setup on Windows

  1. Make sure your Windows 10 installation 100% up to date.
  2. Enable Developer Mode
  3. Installing the Docker Desktop application for Windows will automatically install the Docker Engine and the docker-compose for you. Just follow the documentation here.
  4. Make sure the setting GeneralUse Docker Compose V2 option in the Docker Desktop application is enabled.
  5. Install the app Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store app
  6. Install the app Ubuntu from the Microsoft Store app
  7. Launch Windows Terminal and open the Settings window
  8. Set Default profile to Ubuntu
  9. Close and restart the Windows Terminal app. Make sure your're starting it in the Ubuntu mode.
  10. In the future, you should run all commands, including git commands and bash scripts using the Windows Terminal app (making sure it runs Ubuntu).


Windows Docker/WSL2 Troubleshooting

If Docker keeps saying that WSL 2 installation is not complete, follow these steps:

  1. Open command prompt as administrator
  2. Run command wsl -l -v 3. If that last number is 2 you’re good, if the last number is 1 continue with the next steps
  3. Run command wsl --set-default-version 2
  4. Run command wsl --set-version Ubuntu 2
  5. After Ubuntu is upgraded to WSL 2 open Docker Desktop, click the settings button, go to Resources > WSL Integration. Ubuntu should be list now and you can enable the integrations.
  6. Press the Apply & Restart button.
  7. See if Docker is running (green logo in the lower-left corner). If it’s not, restart Windows and check again.