Updates for DXPR Theme, DXPR Layout Builder, and Lightning DXPR
November 14, 2023
Today we're presenting the first minor updates across the new DXPR (Formerly Sooperthemes/Glazed) branded products.
What's New?
DXPR Theme

- We updated our Free Drupal Theme to let you choose between a traditional 3-line hamburger menu icon and a 2-line menu icon. You can see it in use on DXPR.com right now! Do you like this new option? Let us know in the comments*, we may choose to add more options to customize the menu icon.
- We pushed several front-end performance enhancements that will be especially noticeable if your digital experience platform is taking advantage of HTTP/2. Want to know more about the front-end performance of our products? Feel free to run your favorite tests on our website. Last we checked all the pages in our main menu score in between 95 and 100 on Google PageSpeed.
- Drupal 9 compatibility
*comments only open for registered users
DXPR Builder
- For the first time ever we're updating DXPR Builder via our very own composer package server
- We added an option "Mirror" to our row element. There is a design trend in creating story-like layouts with a rhythm of alternating text+image, image+text rows. However on the mobile design the order of content remains as text+image, text+image. With our new mirror option you can reverse the order the row's columns only on the desktop design. An example of this new feature is our Drupal Layout Builder product page.
- We've updated Font Awesome 5 Pro icons and included the duotone icon set, which is now available on all elements that support the Icon setting.
- We modified how our "Full height" option on the section element works. This option will still make your section as tall as the viewer's screen, but we switched to making this minimum-height. This is to prevent text from invisibly flowing off the screen when the sections' content simply won't fit on a small screen.
- Drupal 9 compatibility
DXPR Builder Enterprise
- Added a "local video" drag and drop element for uploading videos to your media library and streaming them directy from your Drupal platform.
- Fixed an issue with exporting "user profile" configuration entities.
- Drupal 9 compatibility
DXPR Builder Enterprise Changelog
Lightning DXPR
- Updated to Acquia Lightning 5.x.
- Updated all depedencies to Drupal 9 compatible versions.