Try The Sooperthemes Drupal 8 Experience With Our First Beta Release. Refinements for D7, One more thing..
Drupal 8 Products Now Feature-Complete with New Media Library
A few months ago we released our first Alpha release on Drupal 8. Now we have full support for image re-usability thanks to the Entity Browser module and are ready to release our first beta! The beta hits feature-parity with the Drupal 7 products so you can start upgrading your websites if you're willing to be an early adopter. Download the beta here to test our Drupal themes and Drupal Drag and Drop builder:
The result of our work with Entity Browser is a slick interface to search and select images. It's really a step up from Drupal 7's Media Browser. Entity Browser is becoming the standard for media management in Drupal 8 and we've made some contributions and customizations to get the interface up to our design standards. Here's a little demo video:

Shooting For Early January Release Of All Drupal 8 Themes And Modules
It's going to be a hell of a lot of work to get all 15 demos running on our Drupal 8 framework. The demos use different (probably some untested) features and additional contrib modules on top of what the main demo uses. This means there's not just the work of migrating and testing hundreds of content items but also different interactions between Glazed Builder and several modules. We're aiming for an early January release but can't make a hard guarantee. However, since the beta releases will be backwards compatible you can already start building our Drupal 8 projects if you're with being a beta tester and you don't need the demos that are yet to be ported.
Refinements and Minor Bug Fixes: Patch Release On D7 Products
We've been cleaning out out some minor bugs for Glazed Theme and Glazed Builder, trying to get the bug counter to zero before we release on Drupal 8. You can check the release notes for a full report but here's the management summary:
Glazed theme:
- Added support for Navbar module (backport from D8 navbar)
- Fixed issue with page titles hidden between page title background image
- Fixed issue with secondary header region expanding when sticky footer option is enabled
- Fixed issue of body scrolling while swiping mobile menu backdrop
- Updated all colors to reflect 2018 Glazed branding
Glazed Builder
- Fixed layout bug for websites using non-bootstrap theme with Glazed Builder
- Updated design of image selection widget
- Fixed issue with color picker
- Added category selection to icons widget
- Made icon search much faster (dropped jQuery ui from widget)
- Fixed bug with Carousel element prev/next pager in Bottom-Left position
- Updated all colors to reflect 2018 Glazed branding
Something Extra For The Holidays:

Something else was released this month that we're very excited about.. after many years of using Font Awesome 4 we now finally have Font Awesome 5 Pro! Because Sooperthemes is a backer of this million dollar Kickstarter project we can now provide you with the Pro version of this enormous icon kit. Font Awesome 4 is not going anywhere, and will continue to exist along with Font Awesome 5 solid, light, and regular stroke icons.
On top of that we also added the 900-icon Google Material Design icon kit! We thought it would be a nice contrasting option compared to the more round lines of Font Awesome. Material Icons are more tightly drawn and perhaps more suited if you're going for a stark, hard-edged look.

We're super excited for everyone who's been waiting and emailing us about our Drupal 8 products, we're now confident you can start your Glazed project if your project's release is scheduled for january/february! If you're just curious you can spin up our Drupal 7 admin demo here: http://trysooperthemes.com/. To try our Drupal 8 beta release you'll have to sign up. Subscriptions start at just $78 USD and are guaranteed by our 20 day refund period.
Happy holidays! If you've got sales questions about our Drupal 8 products feel free to email us or drop a comment here. For feedback from testing the beta please use the feedback thread in our support forum.