Taking feature requests for new jQuery dropdown menu plugin
November 13, 2023
Update: This plugin has materialized, check out the SooperFish jQuery multi-column drop-down plugin
From previous blog posts I've learned that multi column / animated dopdown menus are really in demand. I've now pretty much completed a new jQuery plugin that handles all this. At first I started modifying superfish but I had learned that superfish uses some really funky events bindings and event handling which caused the submenu-hide animations to fail on sub-sub menus, and there were some other weird bugs.
So I spent the whole day coding a new plugin based on the much leaner jQuery droppy plugin and had a much better time working up from there! So now I thought why stop now, maybe someone can think of some cool features that I haven't yet implemented.
Here is an overview of the options it currently takes:
As you can see it also uses custom easing!

If you can think of any cool behaviours that can be added to this plugin don't hesitate to drop a comment!
And no, it does not magically allow you to create true mega-dropdown menus with blocks and grouped menus and all. Unfortunately I lack the skills and understanding to create a decent module that somehow combines Drupals otherwise awesome menu system with blocks and views . Though if you are interested in this have a look here: http://drupal.org/node/778452 http://drupal.org/project/megamenu Some advantages of this jQuery plugin (compared with superfish):- Automatic multicolumns submenus
- Full configurable animations
- Custom easing support
- menu-Hide animation
- Dropped hoverIntent plugin in favor of simple setTimeOut on mouseOut.
- Optional automatic submenu indicator arrows available in black and white
- All new CSS, more compact and easy to skin
- Readable, documented and well organised jQuery code. Though I must admit I'm not a top notch programmer and the code is very verbose, but if you're a beginner you'll love it.