
Out Now: Patch releases for all products and contrib projects for Drupal 8 and 7

Spring cleaning comes early this year with patch releases across the Sooperthemes platform. We've cleaned up our info files, putting all Sooperthemes projects in the same module/theme package. This creates a cleaner view in pages such as the Modules overview page, Features module admin page etc. We've also update project descriptions and put some more consistency in our metadata. 

Besides info files updates these releases contain some small bug fixes. There are no new features in any releases. In the past 2 months we've really focused on creating more documentation and tutorial videos. Stand by for updates about documentation and new tutorials. To be amongst the first to see our new tutorials you can subscribe to our YouTube channel!

For more details about our releases: Glazed Builder ChangelogGlazed Theme ChangelogSooperthemes Portfolio Changelog