Drupal Digital Marketing for NGOs Needs
NGOs and Drupal Digital Marketing
NGOs are noble companies that are aiming to make the world a better place. Without them, more children would be starving in Africa, more women would be disempowered and tigers would face extinction sooner. With this burden on their shoulders NGOs have to be sure that they can spread awareness to a wide range of people and fast. Thanks to the internet they can do this faster and more effectively than ever. In order to be successful in their mission, NGOs have to have the best digital marketing practices to ensure that the message is getting across. But how can NGOs do this? What are their digital marketing needs? Well, in this blog post, I will present you with a couple of digital marketing needs that NGOs are having and I’m going to tell you how to meet those needs with the help of Drupal digital marketing and Sooperthemes.

Having a secure website is one of the most important criteria in order for a business to be trusted by its customers. When a customer entrusts a company with their data, they expect it to be kept safe from bad actors. This is also the case for NGOs. Especially because people who are willing to donate for a cause have to fill in private information. If this information lands in the wrong hands, this can result in credit card fraud and identity fraud. With this in mind, Drupal is one of the best choices when it comes to website security. Drupal is open-source, meaning that an entire community of more than 70.000 thousand people is discovering and reporting security issues. On top of that, issues are fixed relatively fast, since Drupal has a dedicated security team that makes sure to secure any vulnerability that might come up. So, if you’re an NGO that is conscious about the safety of your clients' data, then you can migrate your website over to Drupal and never have to worry that you might be the victim of a cybernetic attack.
NGOs have a need for website scalability due to the nature of their work. This is partly because NGOs have usually a lot of content to manage. In other words, NGOs have to manage content that is translated into other languages and adapted to other cultures. Drupal digital marketing makes the issue of scalability easy. Drupal was specifically engineered to be able to handle a huge load of data. At the same, it doesn't compromise on performance. Your website's performance can be further improved by adding a CDN (Content Deliver Network) that takes a lot of the load off your server and puts in on the cloud.
Author Effective Content Visually
Customization is also an important aspect when running an NGO website. Drupal enables your organization to customize your website to your own preferences. It offers a high number of modules, that gives you the option to choose the amount of functionality that you give to your website. Couple this with Glazed Builder on top of your Drupal website and now you have the creative choice to aesthetically customize your website however you want. With this freedom, you can create expressive homepages, powerful campaigns and converting landing pages.

Having to create or maintain a website can be a huge drain on precious resources that your NGO could use to solve the problems of the world. Costs are usually determined by the price of the skilled labor that is hired to do the job, as well as how complex and how many functionalities the website actually has. The good news is that with Drupal you can get a powerful CMS (Content Management System) for free that scales and is ready to host a more complex website for free. However, Drupal is known for its steep learning curve and for the fact that the interface is not necessarily user-friendly. So, if you don’t have any idea how to actually use Drupal for your website, then you still are going to have to hire people that know how to use it. Sooperthemes has somewhat mitigated that issue for you. Glazed Builder is our revolutionary visual page builder, that will provide a user-friendly interface for editing your Drupal website, essentially lowering the steep learning curve, while driving up your efficiency. Seriously, it’s so simple to use and yet it delivers results that are exceeding the expectations. Glazed Builder manages to dramatically reduce the traditional costs associated with the creation and maintenance of a website. The power is in your hands, you just have to take it.
Flexible content management
Content management is an important aspect of every NGO's website. The basic premise behind this is that NGOs are required to have that ability when it comes to website flexibility. The reason behind this is that many NGOs have to make quick adjustments to their websites in order to improve and stay relevant to their campaigns. Drupal digital marketing makes these tasks easy with their CMS. However, our Drupal-based visual page builder Glazed Builder is taking this a notch further. Glazed Builder is essentially drastically shortening the learning curve required to learn and use Drupal as a CMS. The best part about Glazed Builder is that it makes it easy for your marketing department to create and edit the website, without having to involve the IT department, in other words, you can leave the coding to Sooperthemes and you can focus on creating eye-catching webpages.
Mobile Friendly
Mobile responsiveness is more important today than ever before. Part of it is because the Google SEO ranking takes into account how well a website is optimized for a smartphone environment. In order to have success in the digital world, your website has to offer lightning speed page loads. Studies show that a webpage that has a fast loading speed will the visitor less likely to actually leave the page. This is exactly what Drupal digital marketing offers. Pages made in Drupal are smartphone-optimized from the get-go. With this in mind, you can make sure that your Google ranking will not have to suffer because of such trivial factors. It’s a pretty sweet deal.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Good SEO ranking is an important factor to the success of your NGO. If people are not able to find out about your NGO, then you will have a hard time reaching your audience. Without reaching the audience, then there are no funds to be gained and to donate to the cause at hand. Drupal is one of the most search-engine friendly systems out of the box. Modules like Metatag and Real-time SEO let you take your search engine optimization to the next level.
Easy creation of campaigns and landing pages
On top of that, NGOs also have to create landing pages for their visitors. A powerful landing page and campaign are more likely to persuade a visitor to become a contributing member to the cause. This is where Glazed Builder comes into play. With Glazed Builder and Drupal digital marketing, you can easily create powerful campaigns that are sure to make your visitor empathize with your cause. On top of that, landing page creation is also a piece of cake with Glazed Builder. Why would you want to struggle with the creation of a landing page in the back-end and run the risk of it turning out not as you had envisioned, when you can use the power of WYSIWYG (What You Is What You Get) to make sure that the result you desire turns outright. Now, instead of worrying, you can focus on improving the design of your website to be able to finally end the extinction of those big cats.
Form Creation
By the nature of their work, NGOs have to gather information about the people that are donating and supporting the campaign. In order to do this, NGOs use forms where donors can fill in their information when donating. However, coding a form is complicated. Fortunately, Drupal digital marketing provides modules that let you integrate forms into your website. Webform is an example of a module that lets you create said forms. You just have to install it and then enable to module and you are all set. Now, it’s easier than ever.
Now that you know what digital marketing needs an NGO might have, you are better prepared to face and meet them. With Drupal digital marketing and Sooperthemes, you can decrease cost, while increasing the effectiveness and the reach of your homepage, campaigns and landing pages. With this in mind, you can focus your resources to causes that are worth fighting for. Now, go out there and make the world a better place!