Drupal Browser Support Community Survey Results
What browsers are Drupal sites tested on in 2021?
Internet Explorer is still relevant to a minority of respondents. Unfortunately for DXPR, this number was three times higher in the separate survey that we sent to our clients. Internet Explorer was not only relevant to 60% of our clients... it was relevant to all our "Enterprise" clients which means we cannot drop IE in QA testing our Drupal Layout Builder, even in 2021.
Safari is becoming less relevant, with 1 out of 4 respondents giving a pass on QA testing in this browser. Edge is still at 75%, but with Edge being based on Chromium I wouldn't be surprised if this number will be lower next year unless they start developing a lot of new features that are not found in Chrome.

What devices are Drupal sites tested on in 2021?
Desktop is still number one but there is only one respondent who does not test on mobile. I wonder if there is a future where Desktop will become less relevant than other device types for Drupal "applications". Maybe the question should be "when" and not "if".

What version(s) of Drupal are we using in 2021?
No surprise that Drupal 9 has the highest score, because all new projects should be starting on Drupal 9. the majority of Drupal sites currently online runs Drupal 7, according to data that depends on the "update module" being turned on, so it's no surprise to see that over half of the respondents are still working on Drupal 7 in 2021.
The same data I linked above, together with the data from this survey, suggests that the upgrade from Drupal 8 to 9 is not really as trivial as advertised.

Bonus question: What Drupal hosting platforms are you working with, in 2021?
It's no surprise to me that Pantheon.io is the most popular choice here, and I'm also happy to see they are getting more competition. Amazee.io with their Lagoon platform is a (relative) newcomer to the Drupal platforms market and they are getting traction.
I had not heard about OpenShift before. Apparently, it's an on-premise cloud platform. An interesting concept considering increased pressure on data security and end-user privacy.

Who filled out this survey?
This survey was mostly filled out by agency-side Drupal professionals. 14% of respondents are client-side, i.e. working at a company that uses Drupal.

Thank you
Thank you for helping us and our readers make better decisions about what Drupal environments to support!