Sooperthemes Drupal 8 Release Candidate 3. Patch update for Glazed and Glazed Builder Drupal 7.
Our latest update for Drupal 8 and 7 fixes a bug with Chrome browser's latest release and the 3rd level "dropdown" menus in mobile navigation and side-header navigation. If your websites does not use 3rd level dropdown menus these updates are probably not important for you. We also use the opportunity to get our Drupal 8 products up to date with Drupal 8.5 and we made sure everything is tested to work with the recent highly critical security updates.
Drupal 8 RC3
Fixing an issue with Font Awesome 5 Pro icons and some other minor issues, our RC3 release is ready to quickly transition into a stable release. We're now focused on updating our product pages, documentation, and other sooperthemes.com infrastructure to make sure downloading, using, and updating our Drupal 8 projects will be a smooth experience. We expect to be ready for the official Drupal 8 launch of all our products in about 2 weeks, but this release candidate is a perfectly fine starting point if you're already looking to start a Drupal 8 project with Glazed Theme, Glazed Builder, or our Sooperthemes Portfolio module.
Glazed 7.x-2.6.9 and Glazed Builder 7.x-1.1.8
We release patch updates for Drupal 7 Glazed Theme and Glazed Builder, making minor improvements to both products and of course we've done extensive testing to make sure everything works after the recent Drupal core security updates that touched some very "core" parts of Drupal. See the Glazed CHANGELOG and Glazed Builder CHANGELOG for an overview of changes. No changes related to the security update were made.
Sooperthemes Updates Coming Soon
The Drupal 8 stable release has been a long time coming, and now the product is ready. We're just holding off the official launch until our website and documentation are also brought up to date to support Drupal 8. If you're interested in our progress just keep an eye on the website. Sooperthemes.com will be undergoing changes in both content and design. For a sneak preview check out our "work in progress" Glazed Builder product page, which now features tons more information than before. You'll also find that I'm experimenting with a video format that I'd like to use for both documentation and marketing communications.
When we are finally completely stable with all our Drupal 8 products we will develop new product features and Glazed Theme demo designs. All product updates will be available to both Drupal 7 and 8 product versions. The specifics of development we'll be focussing on will be determined in the near future by asking you guys what you want and need.
Open Source Contributions Scheduled After Stable Drupal 8 Release
I regret that while working so hard on our Drupal 8 product updates for premium products, our open source projects have been neglected. This was an inevitable result of our Drupal 8 work overrunning budget and timelines by huge margins. I'm looking forward to start investing again in the free version of Glazed Theme we host on drupal.org, and of course publish a stable Drupal 8 version of the free theme and Glazed CMS distribution on drupal.org. We'll make sure Drupal 8 gets the free theme it deserves, with more flexibility and customizability than any other free Drupal theme.