Announcing All Drupal Themes: Drupals ally in providing free professional themes
With this blog post I'm launching my new website, . I made this site firstly, because I've heard many complaints about Drupal having comparatively very few goodlooking themes. The second reason for making this site is that I have used drupal and its modules so much without being able to give much in return, as my php skills are not (yet) sufficient to write good standards-compliant modules.
Whats on now:
- 5 free Drupal themes
- 1 Drupal Tutorial
Whats coming up the coming 2-3 weeks:
- plenty more tutorials, some more advanced theming topics probably
- 2 more themes, a port of Delicious Fruit by Dieter Schneider, which is an excellent example of a Drupal site that doesn't look like a cookie-cutter CMS site! and a port of Judgement, a free theme that will demonstrate that with some advanced theming, drupals frontend and backend output can be displayed in a slick looking envelope-size brochure website design.
- Request-a-theme form
Please keep in mind that this site and the themes are brand new and not tested by anyone but me. If you find any bugs in the site, or in the themes, please use the contact form. Any feedback is much appreciated! I will also submit these themes to project/Themes (once I figure out how that works).
Some more background info in the readmore>>
Who is behind All Drupal Themes:
I'm a 20 y/old (male) webdeveloper from the Netherlands. Have been building websites for 6 1/2 years now. 2 years ago I started looking at CMS options, I dived into Mambo and became proficient in building mambo sites, I even recoded the entire mambo core for one site, removing all layout tables and making all core output semantic html with proper CSS. Then about a year on, I discovered Drupal and I had forgotten all about Mambo/Joomla in a snap. I was very happy to have found a modular and flexible CMS, and I didn't even have to recode the core! (allthough sometimes I think about curing the divilitus (div soup) that many core components and the Views module suffer from).
Since discovering Drupal I think I have built about 30 Drupal sites, ranging from simple brochure sites, to high traffic social media or image gallery sites, and a google maps application.