You can override DXPR Builder CKEditor style options and CKEditor Font options to help your content editors stay on-brand.


Follow the steps below to override CKEditor style and font options in your website:

  1. Go to the Configuration tab.
  2. Click Content Editing.
  3. Select DXPR Builder from the list.
  4. Open CKEditor overrides tab.
  5. Optionally, enter one class on each line in the format: [label]=[element].[class] in CKEditor Formatting Styles. Example: Sassy Title=h1.sassy-title.
  6. Optionally, enter one class on each line in the format: Font Label/Font Name, Alternative System Font in CKEditor Font Options. Example: Times New Roman/Times New Roman, Times, serif.
  7. Once you’ve selected your preferred settings, you can click on Save and you're done!